Customers Contacts CRM


  • Customers, Contacts and CRM
    Create and maintain customer, lead and prospect information.

    Customer Information: 

    - Contacts (Of any type, AP contact and Logistics contact come standard) 
    - Addresses (Billing and Shipping) 
    - Appointments (CRM)
    - Customer specific attachments 
    - Customer Preferences (Class, salesman, AR terms, hold status, route code etc.)

    Lead and Prospect Information:

    - Contacts (Of any type, AP contact and Logistics contact come standard) 
    - Addresses (Billing and Shipping) 
    - Appointments (CRM)
    - Lead/Prospect specific attachments 
    - Lead/Prospect Preferences (Class and salesman)


  • Key Information
    Inventory Preferences: 

    Pick Sequence:Choose between Bin or Item to dictate how the system will organize the order of things to be picked.  Choosing bin will guide the picker to pick by bin proximity as to optimize the speed in which picks are completed.  By Item guides the picker to pick one sku to completion before the next sku on the same order is picked.  

    Julian Lot: This “Lot” number represents a date of expiration for inventory.  The expiration is automatically set to be one year after the date from the lot number and is assigned to the Customer Lot number when creating a putaway.  Customers setup to utilize Julian Lots will have their inventory automatically indicate Julian Lot date's as their sell by dates.  
    Format: (YYDDD)   
    Customer Lot Number/Julian Lot #: 21364  
    21: Year 2021
    364: Day of the year(12/30) 
    Therefore, the Sell by date for that inventory will be 12/30/21
    **Expiration Date only computed if Julian Date = Yes
    Document Preferences: 
    Brand BOL: If set to yes, this customer will see their own logo on BOLs generated for them.  (Contact I.T. to enable this feature)  
    Open AR Threshold: Place a limit on the amount of outstanding AR allowed at any given point in time for a particular account 
    Require CPO# in Sales Order: Mandate whether or not your customer's purchase order # maintained in their system should be displayed on your customer order 
    Migration Key: To be populated with any relevant key information from a migrated source.  This information is only relevant/required for pre-existing customers migrated into the software and is not required for future customers. 
  • Creating a Customer
    1. Go to the Sales Menu and click on the Customers Sub-Menu. 


    2. Click on the New Customer button to add a customer

    3. Fill in the customer's basic information and preferences (Customer must be chosen for CRM Phase) 


    4. Fill in the customer's billing and shipping information    

    5. Fill in the customer's primary contact information for their AP department and Logistics department 
    6. Save the customer by clicking on one of the Save buttons

  • Editing a Customer
    1. Click on the Carrot icon next to an account to view all management options 


    2. Click on the Manage icon (Pencil) to edit an existing account


    3. Click on one of the Save buttons to save the changes 


  • Creating a Prospect
    1. Go to the Sales Menu and click on the Customers Sub-Menu

    2. Select Prospect from the CRM Phase dropdown 


    3. Click on the New Prospect button 


    4. Fill in the Prospect's name, choose a class and a salesman (required) 


    5. Click on one of the Save buttons to save
  • Editing a Prospect
    1. Click on the Carrot icon next to a prospect to view all management options and then the Manage icon (Pencil) to edit an existing prospect 


    2. Click on one of the Save buttons to save the changes 



  • Creating a Lead
    1. Go to the Sales Menu and click on the Customers Sub-Menu

    2. Select Lead from the CRM Phase dropdown 


    3. Click on the New Lead button 


    4. Fill in the Lead's name, choose a class and a salesman (required) 


    5. Click on one of the Save buttons to save
  • Editing a Lead
    1. Click on the Carrot icon next to a lead to view all management options and then the Manage icon (Pencil) to edit an existing lead 


    2. Click on one of the Save buttons to save the changes 


AR Terms

  • AR Terms
    Create and maintain the terms that dictate when payments will be received by.

    Examples:Net 14 Days
    Net 15 Days
  • Creating an AR Term
    1. Go to the Accounting Menu and click on the AR Terms Sub-Menu 


    2. Click on the Add New Button 

    3. Enter a Term Code (numeric value followed by the letter D) and Description, then click on one of the Save Buttons to save the entry  

    Examples: Net 15 Days -> 15D 
    Net 20 Days -> 20D 

  • Editing an AR Term

    1. Click on the Manage Table icon (Pencil) next to the AR Term to edit 

    2. Make any necessary edits and click on one of the Save Buttons to save the changes


  • Deleting an AR Term
    1. Click on the Manage Table icon (Pencil) next to the AR Term to delete

    2. Click on the Delete Button to permanently delete the AR Term option 

Customer Classes

  • Customer Classes
    Create and maintain the categories or classes that each customer will be designated to.

  • Creating a Customer Class
    1. Go to the Accounting Menu and click on the Customer Classes Sub-Menu

    2. Click on the Add New Button 

    3. Enter a Class Code and Description and click on one of the Save Buttons to save the entry

  • Editing a Customer Class
    1. Click on the Manage Table icon (Pencil) next to the Customer Class to edit 

    2. Make any necessary edits and click on one of the Save Buttons to save the changes

  • Deleting a Customer Class
    1. Click on the Manage Table icon (Pencil) next to the Customer Class to delete
    2. Click on the Delete Button to permanently delete the Customer Class option 


  • Key Information
    Primary Contacts:  Choose to have a contact take precedence over the others (this will be the primary contact associated with a particular account and can be maintained directly through account maintenance).  

    To Assign Primary Contact: Click on the Make Primary Button and the selected contact will automatically become the primary contact for the associated account. 

    Titles: Redirects to the titles maintenance page (create and maintain account contact titles).

    Logistics Manager
    Logistics Clerk 

    Types: Redirects to the types maintenance page (create and maintain account contact types).

    Accounts Payable Contact
    Logistics Contact 
  • Creating a Contact
    1. Go to the Sales Menu and Click on the Contacts Sub-Menu or click on the Contacts icon next to a particular customer, prospect or lead



    2. Click on the Add New button to add a new contact for a particular customer 


    3. Enter the customer/account name, contact name, type, title and status 


    4. Add a phone number, email address and select some email options

    Note: If statements or invoices are to be sent via email, an email address is required.

    Statements Via Email: If set to "Yes", a statement document will be emailed automatically during the End of Day process on a chosen day.  Contact I.T to enable. 
    Invoices Via Email: If set to "Yes", an invoice document and a BOL(if applicable) will automatically be emailed as soon as an order is invoiced.  
    Bulk Invoices Via Email: If set to "Yes", one email will be sent out weekly containing all of the current open invoices.  Contact I.T to enable. 
    Statement in Bulk Email?: If set to "Yes" and Bulk Invoices Via Email set to "Yes", a statement will be included in the weekly bulk email along with the open invoices. 

    Auto Fill (Statements): Contact email addresses set to "Yes" will be autofilled in each subsequent email with the option to send AR Statements. 
    Auto Fill (Sales): Contact email addresses set to "Yes" will be autofilled in each subsequent order email with the option to send BOLs and/or Invoices.  

    *Any autofill option that has yes selected will not automaticaly email the corresponding documents, but rather autofill each contact email address for future manual emailings.
  • Editing a Contact
    1. Click on the Manage icon (Pencil) next to the contact record to edit 

    2. Make any necessary changes to the contact's information 

    3. Click on the of the Save buttons to save the changes


  • Key Information

    Account/appointment related documents can be attached to each appointment  


    Appointment entries are automatically added to the Calendar/Schedule 
    Email and Notification alerts can be assigned to appointment schedule entries 

    Recurring Appointments: 

    Repeat appointments on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis 


    Queued: Notes added prior the the appointment 
    Complete: Notes added after the appointment 


    Rates importance level of the appointment 

    Appointment Types: 
    Examples: Phone Call 
    Sources: Categorizes origin of the appointment 
    Examples: Referral 
    Organic Lead 

    Closed Appointments: 

    Appointments must be manually closed to indicate completion.  Once closed, any notes added will be labeled complete as opposed to queued.  

  • Creating an Appointment
    1. Go to the Sales Menu and click on the CRM Sub-Menu or click on the Appointments icon next to a particular customer, prospect or lead 


    2. Click on the New Appointment button 

    3. Enter a customer, prospect or lead, a contact name, an appointment type, and the date and time for the appointment (required) 

    4. Fill in a phone number (optional) 

    5. Click on the Add button to save the appointment 
  • Editing an Appointment
    1. Click on the Edit icon (Pencil) for the newly added appointment 


    2. Fill in any other additional information for the appointment (optional) 


Customer Preferences

  • Customer Preferences
    Choose the BOL format that works best for each of your customers.  

    BOL Summary Format: Displays 1 line per item/lot 

    BOL Detail Format: Displays 1 line per pallet, item, lot


  • Livecards
    LiveCards allow users to use credit cards to pay off invoices directly from the system.  

    Note:Inspired Technology Systems does not save nor store any credit card information on our servers.
    Secure Tokens are used instead. Account tokenization involves completely removing sensitive data and replacing it with a randomly generated value called a token.

    LiveCard Setup:

    1. Go to the Sales Menu and select the Customers Sub-Menu.

    2. Click on the Carrot icon next to the customer, then click on the LiveCards icon.

    3. Click on the Add New button.

    4. Click on the LiveCard Type dropdown and select the Credit Card option.

    5. Enter the Nick Name, Name on Card, and Billing Address for the card.

    6. Select a Card Type from the Card Type dropdown.

    7. Fill in the remaining LiveCard fields.

    8. Click on any of the Save buttons.

    9. This LiveCard is now ready to use for applying payments towards this customer's invoices.

    Using LiveCards to Apply Payments:

    1. Go to the Accounting Menu, hover over the Accounts Receivable Sub-Menu, and select the AR Cash Receipts Sub-Menu.

    2. Click on the Add New button.

    3. Enter the customer name and select the Live Card option from the Payment Type dropdown.

    4. Click on the LiveCard dropdown and select a LiveCard to use in this payment.

    5. Click on the Distribute $ button.

    6. Distribute the desired payment amount.

    a. Click on the Auto-Pay Remaining Balance icon to pay for a single invoice

    b. Click on the Pay All button to pay for All Open Invoices for this customer.

    7. Click on the Back to Header button.

    8. Click on the Close Payment button.

    9. Review the Cash Receipt that is Ready to Post.

    10. Click on the Post button.

    11. View the posted Cash Receipt by clicking on the Posted option under the Show dropdown