Never Lose A Document Again
Easily search, locate, and preview past documents
End the frustration of losing time tracking down a misfiled document. Our Inspired Portal ERP System comes with a centralized solution for all your documents, making it simple to locate any file thanks to its intelligent organization and intuitive interface.
Find all invoices for a given customer.
Find all uploaded documents related to a vendor.
Find all documents pertaining to specific orders and items.
Find all documents that pertain to appointments recorded in our ERP Software's Customer Relationship Management Feature.
In addition, our WMS Software's document management system also helps you keep track of documents pertaining to your assets and preventative maintenance. Attach and store any important documents pertaining to warranties, service contract etc. easily within our ERP Software.
Documents are critical to your business, but it shouldn't take a full time employee to manage them. Get organized with our document management system, and save time struggling to find documents you need.
Find your documents faster than ever using our Warehouse Management System's customizable document search criteria feature.
Our ERP Software allows up to 5 distinct document Search Criteria to be set up, per document type managed in our system.
This enhancement provides you with even more control over how your documents are searched over and organized.
Set up the document search criteria in any way you see fit. For instance, if you have multiple quality assurance type documents, set up a document search criteria type for: Quality Assurance Documents, and add as many entries as you'd like, such as SQF etc. The document search criteria was created to be versatile in this way to make locating documents even easier.
When a document is uploaded, 5 key terms can be associated with that document. These key terms can later be used to search for one or many documents.