Credit cards can now be used to submit a live payment for a customer within a cash receipt in our WMS ERP system. As opposed to externally processed credit card transactions that are processed elsewhere outside of the Inspired ERP system, these "Live" credit card transactions will be processed immediately upon posting a cash receipt, and will eliminate the need for other external credit card processors.
Have peace of mind knowing all of your transactions are secure due to the tokenization process our WMS ERP software utilizes, which allows us to store arbitrary "tokens" in place of sensitive credit card information. You can maintain each customer's LiveCards securely using this safe tokenization process, then use that saved token to process a Cash Receipt payment in real-time, all within our WMS ERP software.
Enjoy the convenience of charging a credit card directly through our ERP System and having the transaction performed and recorded in our WMS ERP system, right on the spot.
To enroll in this feature, you'll need to fill out a Merchant Account application with NCR, which we can facilitate. Reach out to us to find out more.
Our WMS ERP system now keeps track of any changes that are made to your sales orders with detailed audits. Easily trace changes made to orders by viewing what change was made, when the change took place, as well as the user who made the change.
Adjustments made to items, service prices, number of units and pallets etc. will be recorded using the audit feature of our warehouse management software in order to allow for easy backtracking.
This capability is currently being added to our Purchasing System, Item Master section, and many of places within our warehouse management system. View instructions on how to utilize this feature here.