The Percent of Total for your sales is a common report requirement for any ERP system.
If you're looking to show a grouping's share of the grand total, the % of total is what you need.
Our new Top Sales Report in our warehouse management ERP software allows you to select a grouping of either Customer, Customer Class, Item, Item Class, Service, Item, or Salesman, and report of monthly sales for that grouping.
The % of Total value in our ERP system is shown for quantities sold, weight, or sales revenue.
Having the percent of the grand total on a sales report, allows you to examine the significance of a portion of your business compared to the whole. It helps to easily identify having too many eggs in one basket which may pose a risk to your business.
The results on this report in our ERP system are sorting in descending order by either quantity, weight, or sale price exposing the biggest culprits immediately.
When applicable, gross profits are available allowing research beyond only sale price.
In addition, our Top Sales report now allows a Compare to Last Year option which highlights any loss in sales for a customer, customer class, salesman, item, item class, or service. Your sales force will love this feature of our WMS ERP system for product and customer performance reviews.