Picking Customer Orders


  • Customer Picking Orders

    Outbound Customer Picking Orders:

    An outbound process that generates by default charges by the case pick, and/or charges by the full pallet case pick.     

    Outbound Pick Process: 

    1. Order Creation and Release 
    2. Picking 
    3. Verifying 
    4. Manifesting 
    5. Invoicing

Order Creation and Release

  • Key Information

    Inventory Specifications:

    Specified Lots/Pallets/Manual Ids: Once an item has been selected for an order, preferred lots, pallets or manual ids can be specified for allocation/picking 

    Note: Specified manual ids and lots cannot be provided together.  

    Weight Requirements:

    Take Weights: When checked, forces weights to be collected for an item that is not defined as catch weight.  Once taken, weights will be printed on outbound documentation (Order Confirmations, Proforma, and Invoices), but will serve as informational only, and will have no effect on order pricing.

    No Catch Weights: When checked, allows a catch weight item to be manifested out with no catch weights taken.  

    The same Item within an order multiple times must have the same selection for the Take Weights or No Catch Weights options.  Separate orders must be used otherwise.  

    Weight to Quantity: Once an item has been selected for an order, enter the total weight if known, tab to the next field, and the appropriate quantity will be prefilled in.
  • Creating a Customer Pick Order
    1. Go to the Sales Menu and click on the Orders Sub-Menu

    2. Click on the Add New Order Button 

    3. Fill out all of the necessary information on the Header Form, then click on the Save Button 

    4.  You are now editing the Order Details.  Proceed to add items and service details as necessary (Fill in all the relevant information, then click the Add/Update Button to add the item or service detail line to the order) 

    5. Once all items/services have been added to the order, it is ready for release
  • Scheduling a Customer Pick Order
    Add pickup orders to the Schedule/Calendar for easy visibility (Optional).   

    1. Click on the Pickup Appt. Button 

    2. Enter a Description and any relevant Notes 

    3. If applicable, enter Contact Email Addresses and specify Alert(s)  

    4. Click on the Create Confirmation Button to generate and email a Pickup Confirmation form (Optional) 

    Note: Once generated, a copy of the Pickup Confirmation will be automatically emailed to all Appt. Contacts. 

    5. Once finished, click on the Save & Exit Button

    6. The pickup order has now been officially added to the Schedule

    7. View and edit the pickup order appointment on the Schedule/Calendar 

    8. View the pickup confirmation form 

  • Releasing a Customer Pick Order

    Release Icon: 

    1. Use the Release Icon next to any un-released customer pick order to release it for picking  

    Release Buttons: 

    Order Header: 

    1. Use the Release Button on the Order Header page to release the customer pick order for picking 

    Order Details:

    1. Use the Release Button on the Order Details page to release the customer pick order for picking

    Note: Orders that are released allocate, and essentially "lock down" the inventory pertaining to that order.  Released orders can either be added immediately to the Pick Queue and be available for pickers to start picking, or they can be added to the Wave Queue first, to then later be "Waved" to pickers when the time is right. 

    Contact I.T. to enable Waving.    


  • Waving a Customer Pick Order
    Our Cloud ERP WMS System supports the use of Wave Picking in order to expedite the picking process. 

    Orders can be released to allocate the corresponding inventory, and then placed in a Wave Queue until ready for picking.
    Wave Picking to All: Wave orders to the pick queue for any picker to pick
    Note: Orders must be released first before waving to the pick queue
    1. Go to the RF Menu and click on the Wave Queue Sub-Menu  
    2. Check the box next to each pick to be waved and click on the Wave to Pick Queue Button 
    Note: Once Waved, the picks will now be available in the Pick Queue 
    Wave Picking to User: Wave orders to the pick queue for a specific user to pick 
    Note: Orders must be released first before waving to the pick queue
    1. Go to the RF Menu and click on the Wave Queue Sub-Menu
    2. Select a user to wave the pick(s) to 
    3. Check the box next to each pick and click on the Wave to User Button
    Note: Once Waved, the picks will now be available in the Pick Queue for that user to pick only
    Pull  Back from Queue: Remove the pick from the Pick Queue 
    1. Go to the RF Menu and click on the Wave Queue Sub-Menu  
    2. Check the box next to each pick to be pulled back and click on the Pull from Queue Button 
    Note: Once pulled back, the pick is no longer available in the Pick Queue until it is waved again 


  • Picking a Customer Order

    Picking from the Order Listing: 

    1. Click on the WMS Tickets Icon next to the order to be picked and click on the Print Document Icon (Printer) to print the pick ticket (if necessary) 

    2. Click on the Go to Pick Queue Icon (Hand) to be automatically redirected to the selected order's pick entry in the pick queue

    5. Click on the Initiate Pick Icon (Hand) to start picking 

    6. Start picking 

    a) Picking to a new pallet:

    Note: Fresh case picks will automatically by default go onto a new pallet, unless a pallet of the same area has already been picked

    (1) Enter or scan the pallet the cases are coming from (Either follow and enter/scan the pallet that's prompted for on the screen, or enter/scan a different pallet to pick instead.  Any pallet that suits the criteria and is not fully allocated to another order can be picked from, even if not allocated to this particular order itself.) 

    While full pallets and case picks can generally be picked in any order sequence, if multiple case picks exist from the same pallet (different items, different lots etc. from the same pallet), those case picks must be done in the order determined by the system.  If the customer is setup to pick FPCPs (Full Pallet Case Picks), those must be done ahead of any case picks.    

    (2) Enter or scan the item to be picked from the pallet 

    (3) Enter or scan the lot number (if applicable)

    (4)  Enter and confirm the number of units being picked 

    (5) Continue picking until all units from the order have been picked 

    Note: Any order that contains multiple picks from multiple pallets within the same area, will automatically use the first pallet picked as the pallet that all remaining case picks will be picked to.  To bypass this and select a different pallet, click the New Pallet Button to pick to a new pallet, or click the Back Button and enter in the pallet to pick to.  This must be done before entering the From Pallet.  

    (6) Once the last pick is completed, click on the Done/Label Button to print out order labels (if necessary)  

    Note: All units picked will automatically be placed in the floor location 


  • Verifying a Customer Pick Order

    Verifying from the Order Listing: 

    1. Click on the WMS Tickets Icon (Truck) and then the Verify Whole Ticket Icon (Flag) next to the order to be verified 

    2. The selected pick ticket has now been successfully verfied 

    Note: Each pick ticket must be verified individually 

    Verifying from the Verify Queue: 

    1. Go to the RF Menu and click on the the Verify Queue Sub-Menu 

    (a) Initiate Blind Verify Icon: 

    i.  Click on the Blind Verify Icon (Flag) next to the order to pick ticket to verify 

    ii. Enter the pallet to verify and check Order Labels and/or BOL (if applicable) 

    Note: Post Verification Labels and BOLs if selected can be generated and printed automatically based on Company Setup

    Click the Next Step Button and procced to blindly verify the rest of the pick ticket 

    iii. Enter the Item Code 
    iv. Enter the Lot Code 
    v. Enter and confirm the unit count 
    iv. The selected pick ticket has now been successfully verfied

    Note: Each pick ticket must be verified individually 

    (b) Verify Each Pick/Pull (Not blind) Icon: 

    i. Click on the Activity Icon (Lightening Bolt) next to the pick ticket to verify
    ii. The selected pick ticket has now been successfully verfied 

    Note: Each pick ticket must be verified individually


  • Manifesting a Customer Pick Order

    Verify Order Move Icon:


    1. Click on the Verify Order Move Icon next to the order to manifest 

    2. Click on the Manifest Button to fill in the Outbound Audits 

    3. Enter the pallet to manifest 

    4. Enter the dock/manifest bin the pallet is being moved into 

    5. Repeat this process with each pallet as necessary (Use the Repeat For All Button to move all remaining pallets to the first pallet's chosen dock bin)  

    6. The pallet(s) have now been successfully moved out of inventory 

    Manifest Button: 

    1. Click on the Edit Order Icon (Pencil) next to the order to manifest 

    2. Click on the Manifest Order Button 

    3. Click on the Manifest Button to fill in the Outbound Audits 

    4. Enter the pallet to manifest 

    5. Enter the dock/manifest bin the pallet is being moved into 

    6. Repeat this process with each pallet as necessary (Use the Repeat For All Button to move all remaining pallets to the first pallet's chosen dock bin)  

    7. The pallet(s) have now been successfully moved out of inventory


  • Invoicing a Customer Pick Order
    1. Click on the Edit Order Icon (Pencil) next to the order to invoice 

    2. Click on the Invoice Button 

    Note: Invoicing orders cannot be undone 

    3. The order is now officially invoiced and an invoice document has been generated.  Click on the View Invoices Icon (Paper) to view the invoice document

    Note: The order is now closed and cannot be reopened 

Daily Deliveries and Pickups

  • Key Information
    Delivery and Pickup Routes: 

    Create and maintain your own order routes and assign them to outbound orders.

    Orders by Route: 

    By route, view all outbound orders and perform functions across all orders within a route, including releasing all orders, printing pick tickets, BOLs and Proformas, as well as invoicing all orders.  

    Daily Order Routes: 

    View all scheduled deliveries and pickups for the day by route, including the total number of orders, stops, units, pallets and weight the route consists of. 

  • Delivery and Pickup Routes
    1. Go to Warehouse Menu and click on the Delivery and Pickup Routes Sub-Menu 

    2. Click on the Add New Button 

    3. Enter a Route Code and a description for the route, then click one of the Save options 

    Note: The route code can be any combination of letters and/or numbers 

  • Orders By Route
    1. Go to the Sales Menu and click on the Orders Sub-Menu 

    2. On the Order Header Screen, select a Route Code, then click on one of the Save options 

  • Daily Order Routes
    1. Go to the Sales Menu and click on the Daily Order Routes Sub-Menu 

    2. Click on the View Icon to view all outbound orders that pertain to a specific route 

    Releasing Orders

    Note: Only orders that are not currently released will be released.  Orders that are already released, will not be re-released.  Use the Re-Release Button on the Order Header or Order Detail Screen to re-release an order if changes to it have been made.  

    Printing Pick Tickets, BOLs and Proformas 

    Note: A document printer must be setup under your user profile to print documents from the system.  Only those documents that have been generated, and have not yet been printed will print.  To reprint, regenerate the document, then print again.    

    Invoicing Orders 

Managing a Customer Pick Order

  • Editing a Customer Pick Order


    1. Click on the Edit Order Icon 

    Editing a Line: 

    2. Click on the Edit Line Icon

    3. Make any necessary changes, and then click the Add/Update Button to save those changes 

    Note: All information for a particular line is editable only before release.  Once the line has been released, only the price and descriptions will be allowed to be changed unless the line is pulled back.   

    Deleting a Line: 

    2. Click on the Edit Line Icon 

    3. Click on the Remove Button, and then click OK on the pop-up prompt 


    1. Click on the Edit Order Icon 

    Editing a Price: 

    2. Click on the Edit Price Icon 

    3. Make any changes, and then click the Add/Update Button to save those changes  

    Note: All information for a particular line is editable only before release.  Once the line has been released, only the price and descriptions will be allowed to be changed unless the line is pulled back.

Customer Order Documents

  • Pick Tickets
    Pick tickets can be generated once an order has been released and inventory has been allocated.  Contact I.T. to have pick tickets automatically printed upon release.  

    Note: Pick tickets will only contain those items on an order that have been released and allocated for picking.  Any unreleased items on an order will not be printed on pick tickets.   

    1. Click on the WMS Tickets Icon and either the View Pick Ticket Icon or Print Document  to view or print the pick ticket. 

    Re-generating Pick Tickets

    As orders are changed, pick tickets can be re-generated to contain the most up to date information pertaining to the order.  

    1. Click on the Create New Pick Ticket PDF Icon to regenerate a fresh copy of a pick ticket 

    Pick Ticket Notes

    Miscellaneous notes can be added to pick tickets to remind or warn pickers of special circumstances pertaining to certain products.  

    Header Pick Ticket Notes:
    1. Click on the Add Notes Icon 

    2. Enter a note and select to Print Notes On: Pick Ticket, then save your entry 

    Note: If notes are added after release, pick tickets must be re-generated to include those recently added notes.  

    Line-Level Pick Ticket Notes:

    1. Click on the Add Notes Icon next to a line item

    2. Enter a note and select to Print Notes On: Pick Ticket, then save your entry 

    Note: If notes are added after release, pick tickets must be re-generated to include those recently added notes.
  • BOLs
    BOLs can be generated at any point after an order has been created.  Weights displayed will be based on either the gross weight, or catch weight if individual weights have been taken.    

    Pre-Release: BOLs will indicate provisional customer order information including weight and total pallet estimates 

    Post-Release: BOLs will indicate estimated weight based on either the gross, or catch weight if individual weights have been taken.  Pallet count will remain blank until after verification.  

    Post Verification: BOLs will indicate estimated weight based on the gross or catch weight.  Official pallet count will now be indicated.  

    Fresh/Frozen Specifications: Fresh or Frozen if selected will be indicated on the BOL above the Shipper Signature.  System default rhetoric for each will print automatically unless custom rhetoric is requested. 
    Default Cooler Message: Air temperature set point 28deg. F providing an air temperature 28deg. F while in transit. 

    Default Frozen Message:
    Air temperature set point -10deg. F providing an air temperature range of -10deg. F to 31deg. F while in transit. 

    Generating BOLs: 

    1. Click on the BOL Button in the order header to generate a new BOL document 

    2. Click on the Order Documents Icon 

    3. Click on either the View Document Icon to view, or the Print Document Icon to print 

    Emailing BOLs: 

    1. Click on the Send Email Icon 
    2. Fill in the email's recipients, subject and body, then check the BOL Checkbox and send  

  • Order Confirmations
    Order confirmations can be generated at any point after the order has been created, up until verification has taken place.    

    Generating Order Confirmations: 

    1. Click on the Create Confirmation Button in the order header to generate a new confirmation document 

    2. Click on the Order Documents Icon 

    3. Click on either the View Document Icon to view, or the Print Document Icon to print 

    Emailing Order Confirmations: 

    1. Click on the Send Email Icon 

    2. Fill in the email's recipients, subject and body, then check the Order Confirmation Checkbox and send  

Orders Out of Margin